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Madagascar celestine bracelet A (7-8mm balls)


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17,52 €
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21,90 €
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17,52 €
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Origin: Madagascar
Grade: A

Approx 17-18cm - Fits all wrists with a size of 16-18cm

About 30g


A = good

Very beautiful bracelet made of 7-8mm celestite balls from Madagascar.
Patterns and colors may vary from bracelet to bracelet.

Celestine owes its name to the Latin caelesti, meaning celestial. In 1790, the German chemist Martin Heinrich Klaproth made its discovery in Madagascar. A year later, Abraham Gottlob Werner, a Saxon mineralogist and geologist, named this stone "celestine" because of its sky blue color. It is even nicknamed "angel stone".

However, this celestial stone was already widely used by the populations of ancient civilizations. We have very few references about it. Indeed, it was highly prized by magicians, mystics and alchemists of Antiquity. Thus, it seems that this celestial stone has mystical, strange powers and that it was kept hidden. It was reserved for followers of the occult sciences, who transformed it into powder, elixir, essence, in liquid or solid form. At that time, it was even attributed relaxing powers.

Celestine is a stone belonging to the sulfate group. It is one of the most widespread sulfates in nature. It is composed of strontium sulfate, a mineral with a dense and fibrous constitution. Celestine stone (or celestite) has a color that varies from white to light blue. It happens that certain impurities become encrusted, bringing shades of brown, red or yellow. It is a fragile and sometimes porous stone, which comes in the form of crystals, in compact massive or fibrous form.

If this celestite stone is discovered in rocks of sedimentary origin, it is common to associate it with limestone rocks. Thus, it can be found in the form of splendid geodes of elongated prismatic crystals. Many celestites exposed to violet rays show fluorescent qualities.

It is worth noting that during the Roman civilization, this celestite stone was known as "aqua aura". Nowadays, this name refers to non-natural stones. The Romans used it for its soothing benefits and exported it to overseas countries.

We have very few legends connected to this celestial stone. However, in Greek mythology, the celestial stone comes from a group of stars known as the Pleiades or "Seven Sisters". It is an open cluster easily spotted in the night sky. We can easily say that we see from Earth one of the most beautiful celestial objects.

According to a recent history of this celestial stone, it is said that it is a stone of heaven, created thanks to the angelic songs of the celestial choirs. For example, the Cherubim who constitute the eighth choir of the hierarchy of heaven.

The main deposits are located in Madagascar, Brazil, Germany, China, Mexico, etc.

In Lithotherapy, this celestite stone encourages imagination and artistic creation. It is said to facilitate eloquence and boost confidence during public performances. It removes stage fright and nervousness. It strengthens communication with others and provokes quality relationships.

It is a perfect stone to dispel anxieties, worries and even paranoid feelings. It provides security and serenity, allowing one to feel protected.

Celestine can be used in very young children, suffering from night fears. Placed on a bedside table, it brings peace and quality sleep. Its action envelops its wearer in softness, comfort and calm.

More generally, the celestite stone is a stone with a liberating action, it removes negative emotions, such as sadness, anxieties. It helps to fight against various oppressions sometimes linked to the past, which prevent moving forward in life.

It is a stone of courage, which removes the feeling of uselessness or helplessness and restores self-confidence. Celestine calms a mind invaded by too many thoughts and it puts complicated situations into perspective.

This stone is known as an excellent talisman, keeping panic attacks away. It is highly recommended in case of fear when traveling, or in case of agoraphobia (fear of the world or crowds). It promotes comfort.

Bracelet célestine Madagascar A (boules 7-8mm)

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